Friday, November 21, 2008

Concrete Control Joints

Concrete cracks. And for some unknown reason, people seem to hold that against the concrete! There is a way to control the cracking, and that is to build in joints to control the cracks - in essence, forcing the cracks to crack along straight lines! One way to create a control joint - the way I did it here - was to cut the surface of the concrete about 3/8" down on the day following the concrete pour.

The concrete cutter guy cut the floor into sections about 8x10 in size, though some joints were closer together due to the 'look' I wanted. It was a lot of fun laying out where the cuts would go and then seeing it all cut into sections.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the article seems to be outdated but still it is worth reading. ill be checking out your other posts as well. :)

Sunshine Coast Concrete Cutting