Friday, November 21, 2008

New Views

One of the best parts of building a dormer or upper-level addition to your house is seeing the new view that you've created for yourself! This is actually a few from the roof!

If your roof happens to be as old as mine was, you might find that there is another layer (or more) of roofing underneath the top cover. You also might find skip sheathing, which was popular until plywood came into widespread use. I laid 1/2" OSB (like plywood, but it's called oriented strand board) over the skip sheathing, then laid my 30# felt on top of that. This is good for the house in at least two ways - first, it improves the lateral capacity of the house. That means that the house will perform better during an earthquake - the OSB ties it all together so it can move as one unit instead of breaking apart at all of the tiny joints. It also helps with insulating and moisture-proofing, though it's only a backup to the primary (and necessary!) methods of actually insulating the attic and using flashing, roofing felt, and roofing shingles to keep moisture out.

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